
Improvement Science is increasingly recognized as a formal body of knowledge that can be learned and applied regardless of the resource context. The Improvement Series is provides instructions on the  foundations of the science so give participants the expertise to make critical judgments about ‘what works’ ,’why it works ‘ ; ‘what does not work’ and ‘why it does not work’.     

A brief but excellent overview of the ‘micro-dynamics of the science’ is show-cased by Dr Nigel Livesley , Project Director USAID- ASSIST project from his experience at a Delhi based Hospital:


Common pitfalls for new improvement teams from USAID ASSIST Project on Vimeo.

Systems Thinking for Healthcare.

Course Registration is now Open!


To provide you with better understanding of systems thinking and its indispensability to improving healthcare. The link between systems thinking and action on the system is the main agenda of the course.


The seminar includes lectures, computer simulations, group exercises and discussion oriented toward better understanding of systems approaches, their theoretical origins as well as methods and tools and how systems thinking dovetails with improvement science..


This is an advanced course and you will benefit more if you have had experience in working in quality improvement. It would be advantageous if have read Peter Senge’s ‘Fifth Discipline’ [1990]. It also would be a good idea for you to read Dr. Edward Deming’s ‘New Economics’ [1993] and Gerald Langley et al ‘The Improvement Guide’ [2009, 2nd edition].

This course is available maxiMUMcare participants only. If you are a member, view this course now.



Statistical Thinking for Healthcare.

Course Registration will open on March 30, 2016.


To provide you with an easy access to the basics of practical statistics. Statistical Thinking offers a user- friendly approach to apply statistical reasoning in clinical and managerial practice. This course will help you understand the nuts and bolts of applying statistical process control , in the context of the continuum from Data- Information- Knowledge – Action.


The seminar is a ‘hands- on – the – computer’ workshop augmented with lectures and discussions. You will be lead interactively using healthcare data-sets to exploit widely available desktop spreadsheets and databases as a learning environment.


The course will begin with exposition of basics of traditional ‘statistical methods’ and then highlight the necessity and advantage of ‘Statistical Thinking’. It is recommended that you read Donald Wheeler’s Book ‘Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos'[1993]. Edward Deming’s ‘The New Economics [1993] would be helpful too. Those who have not had any exposure to research design and statistics could benefit by familiarizing themselves with the NMS series on Bio-statistics and Epistemology.This course does not require advanced computing knowledge, beyond that of the novice.

Note : The total number of participants is limited to 20. Participants are required to bring their own Laptops. Datasets would be provided during the seminar.

This course is available maxiMUMcare participants only. If you are a member, view this course now.



Improvement Thinking for Healthcare


To provide a comprehensive introduction to the new field called Improvement Science. The course will address the evolution of the methodologies and how they relate to both clinical quality initiatives such as clinical audit, evidence based practice, as well as make sense of organizational initiatives such as accreditation, six sigma and lean. The discussion would include newer developments such as Patient Centeredness. Evaluate Lean and six-sigma methods as applied in healthcare as well as why and how they work.


The seminar includes lectures , group activities and discussions  to help  understand the  models , methods and tools for improving healthcare in various healthcare settings  such as hospitals, primary care , public health and chronic diseases.


This course begins with basics and takes the participants to ‘state of the science’ in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety. The course aims to instill a critical perspective about the current debates in the field and would be of advantage if the participants are familiar with research methods  and  basic epidemiology.  Edward Deming’ s  End of Crisis and Shewart’s  Cost of quality control in industry could be overwhelming for the beginner. Atul Gawande book Better is a quick overview.  For a broad- based historical perspective   Donald Berwick’s book New Rules  would help place the discussion in context. The  must read book is Lyod Nolan improvement guide .         

This course is available maxiMUMcare participants only. If you are a member, view this course now.

Capability Domains: 1. Supply of Value  6. Deployment of Knowledge


Join us in January 2017